Author: Jon Lokhorst

On Wednesday, March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared the rapidly spreading coronavirus a global pandemic. Within days, employers across the world sent workers home to work remotely. Soon after that, a Gartner survey of top executives showed that roughly half of their organizations had more than 80 percent of their employees working from

Use this hockey lesson to remain focused amidst distractions. If you’re struggling to stay focused throughout this pandemic, you’re not alone—it’s a recurring theme for workers across organizations and industries. There are countless distractions every day as coronavirus concerns, economic uncertainties, and social unrest compound the challenges of working from home with partners, pets, and children.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a primary driver of leadership effectiveness. Numerous research studies identify EQ as more important than technical skills, industry knowledge, and other factors that set apart top-performing leaders. EQ expert Daniel Goleman credits emotional intelligence for 90% of the difference between star performers and average ones in senior leadership roles. EQ is essential

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