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If you’re in the game, you need a coach. Especially now.

You—as a leader—are constantly being put to the test. Whether emerging confidently or shaken, you know one thing for sure: there will be more tests, more challenges, and more opportunities. How will you respond? How will you lead others into the future? For that matter, how will you lead yourself into the future?

Now is the time to engage with a coach—a collaborative partner in your professional development. Jon can help you advance, adapt, and achieve.  

Why Jon’s coaching works. An effective coach responds to each player’s needs. Jon works with you in the context of your individual experience, environment, strengths, and goals. He will help you develop and sustain positive, lasting behaviors in yourself and your team. Throughout his career, he has helped hundreds of leaders achieve remarkable breakthroughs—both personally and professionally. He’s ready to guide you now. Reach out.

What You’ll Get and Why It Matters.  

  • Clarity of vision, purpose, and values Better decisions impacting financial, personnel and creative outcomes.
  • Focus on your most vital priorities  Increased ROI on your activities and projects. 
  • Momentum toward key business outcomes  Reduction in stalled projects or sidelined innovations impacting revenue. 
  • Accountability for your commitments  Measured and accelerated performance. 
  • Confidence from knowing you are performing at your best  Less second-guessing of both your decisions and leadership style.
  • Impact on those you serve and lead  Healthy, thriving organizational culture.
  • Fulfillment from seeing positive results  Greater energy to face greater challenges.
  • Peace of mind and personal freedom  Enriched life and wellbeing (really!).
For Individuals: Breakthrough Leadership Coaching

Gain insight and guidance to become the leader people want to follow. Choose between phone, virtual or in-person coaching. Find out more.

For Teams: The Catalyst Experience

Mobilize your leadership team’s energy and accelerate each team member’s impact. Tailor a team experience to transform your leadership team. Find out more.

For Insights: RightPath Assessment Tools

Create awareness and generate actionable insights to grow as a leader (or as a team). Jon is a certified facilitator of these powerful assessment tools, which are proven to accelerate leadership development. Find out more.

For Individuals: Breakthrough Leadership Coaching

Are you the kind of leader everyone wants to follow?

The Point

“Everyone needs a coach,” Microsoft founder Bill Gates opened one of his famous TED talks with these words. Former Google chairman Eric Schmidt echoed these sentiments during an interview in which he shared that the best advice he had ever received was to hire a coach. Engaging a collaborative partner in your professional development empowers you to take your leadership to the next level, no matter where you are now.

In today’s rapidly changing marketplace, leaders often feel overwhelmed, pulled in all directions, stressed, caught in the middle and stuck. In fact, 80 percent of leaders say they would benefit from working with a coach. Yet, many leaders lack organizational support and don’t know where to turn for help.

Is this why you are here now? 

The Way Forward 

Jon provides an outside yet knowledgeable perspective that is often unavailable internally to executives. His front-line experience in both finance and healthcare makes him particularly valuable to his clients in these industries.

Choose the format that best fits you: 

  • one-on-one coaching sessions, typically conducted virtually, so it doesn’t matter where you are located.
  • deeper dive coaching experience during a full- or half-day VIP session at an offsite location.

The Payoff
Jon’s Breakthrough Leadership Coaching process helps you:

  • strengthen your personal foundation
  • build positive working relationships
  • develop essential leadership skills
  • navigate complex tensions
  • deliver exceptional results

For Teams: The Catalyst Experience

Are you building a team no one wants to leave?

Catalyst [kat-l-ist] noun

  1. A substance that causes or accelerates a chemical reaction.
  2. Something that causes activity between two or more persons or forces without itself being affected.
  3. A person or thing that precipitates an event or change.
  4. A person whose talk, enthusiasm or energy causes others to be more friendly, enthusiastic or energetic.

The Point
No matter how skilled, diverse or well-paid a team is, there will be challenges. As a leader of leaders, you are called to:

  • encourage trust
  • address conflict
  • reduce tension
  • facilitate communication 
  • accelerate productivity

How is that going for you now? 

Whether digitally or in-person, it is essential to not only keep your team on track but also accelerate their drive. The increase in remote and hybrid work environments only intensifies the need to purposefully and continually care for your team.

Utilize the Catalyst Experience for:

  • teambuilding
  • strategic planning
  • organizational change
  • employee engagement
  • leadership development

The Process 

Jon partners with you to tailor a relevant and transformational path for your team. The Catalyst Experience is designed to provide a safe learning environment that harnesses the group’s collective wisdom, experience, and strengths.

Catalyst team events are typically held at an offsite location near you but can also be effectively facilitated via video conference.

Together, you and Jon will co-create an agenda to meet your needs, such as: 

  • alignment and synergy
  • clarity on vision and goals
  • exploration of new opportunities
  • other vital outcomes 

The Payoff

Jon combines the power of facilitation, training, and coaching to provoke catalytic conversations that:

  • accelerate action
  • precipitate change
  • create energy 
  • model effective communication 

You can achieve results not imagined before.

Powerful Assessment Tools From RightPath Resources

Do you really know what makes your leaders tick?

Build your team and organization with RightPath. Jon is a certified facilitator of powerful assessment tools that will accelerate the development of your leaders and building of high-performance teams. 

These online assessments can be used to:

  • maximize individual and team coaching engagements
  • supplement succession planning strategies and decisions
  • onboard new staff 
  • inform leadership development plans

Your Tools

RightPath 4 and 6: These workplace behavior profiles identify an individual’s strengths, struggles, and potential blind spots. They offer additional insights on a person’s leadership style, response to change, natural drive factors, approach to conflict and keys to effective working relationships.

RightPath LQ360: This 360-degree feedback instrument provides leaders with actionable feedback on how others experience their leadership. Results compare self-assessments to ratings from superiors, peers, and direct reports to enlighten blind spots and inconsistencies in perceptions. The LQ360 report provides leaders with insights to create greater self-awareness and develop a coaching or leadership development plan.

Ryan Sievers, CPA, Partner
Armanino LLP

Jon was a great sounding board. He listened carefully to understand the situation, asked prodding questions, and provided thoughtful insight along the way. He helped me look at situations and opportunities from all angles, point out considerations I may not have fully addressed. Jon’s “outsider’s” perspective was extremely helpful. He challenged my internal bias (whether intentional or otherwise) and made me address less comfortable issues head on. Finally, Jon is just a good guy to sit and talk with. Very personable, easy to talk to, and a very natural way of leading the conversation.

Dan Diaz, Senior IT Deployment Program Manager

I had the opportunity to work with Jon as a coach for over two years. I can say with complete confidence that where I had begun as a leader to where am I am now has dramatically improved because of Jon. Jon helped me every step of the way to maximize my potential and grow that "leadership muscle" to help me best the best employee, father, husband I can be. I've been stretched, challenged, and motivated with such grace and respect. Thank you Jon!

Katy Brown, Partner
West Coast Nonprofit Tax Practice Lead, Armanino LLP

Jon was a great coach during the year I was preparing to be promoted to Partner at my firm. He was able to help me strategize on effective ways to deal with a wide variety of challenges that came up during the year, including helping me reexamine unhelpful thought processes to spend my mental bandwidth in productive ways. He also did a great job keeping up with all the many players in my sphere, which made ongoing issues much faster to deal with because he always remembered who/what we had talked about last time. I felt supported and understood throughout the coaching process.

Li Cheng, CPA, CGMA, Manager of Financial Reporting
SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union

Working with Jon, I learned not only to focus on results but also to build relationships with my team. Jon’s advice helped me to nurture a high-performance team, opening my mind with a strategic thinking process that includes stepping back from day-to-day operations and intentionally carving out time to formulate long-term goals. The subtle change created a win-win situation for me to prioritize my time on the most important things while empowering my team to develop their decision-making skills. When it comes to leadership, Jon has a lot of insights to offer. I was fortunate to have Jon as my coach. He does not just talk about being a leader; he walks the talk of a servant leader.

Robert Abramowitz, Partner
Business Management & Family Office Services, Armanino LLP

Jon's coaching provided valuable tools that I was able to utilize for goal setting, overcoming challenges, productivity and growing as a leader. Working with Jon enabled me to stay on track with my short-term goals as well as focus on strategic planning for the future.


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